First their size and how compact of a living area they will thrive in compared to other snakes. ReptiFiles is not a veterinary website, nor is the author Mariah Healey a veterinarian. Male hognose snakes are the smaller ones of the two genders. - hognose Snake care sheet, all you need to know about keeping Hognose Snakes! Lifespan What is ReptiFiles®? 17 to 24 inches. I prefer this set of guidelines for terrestrial snakes: enclosure length = snake length. 1. They are a common pet then because of their size and weight. A clutch is a collection of snake eggs and babies. However, it is known that female eastern hognose snakes, are larger than male hognose snakes. The average adult will grow to 71 cm (28 inches) long. Hognose snakes often lay large clutches, of up to 40 eggs at a time. Therefore, it is exceedingly rare you will see them as pets. You must remember as well, keeping them as pets means they can’t just go out in the wild and find an area to gain warmth such as a burrow. However, the clear sides are known to stress reptiles out, so 3 sides should be blacked out with construction paper or other opaque material installed on the outside. If your pet reptile is experiencing a medical emergency, contact an experienced reptile veterinarian immediately. The most common form is the Western Hognose- a perfect pet because of its size! There are a few simple things you need to know to keep hognose snakes happy; "Keep'em dry, hot and feed'em a lot!". Once they are a pet, they become domesticated and will be less suited to living in the wild. They will also have rectangular spots- which look like eyespots. If you’re using a front-opening terrarium, a lock or latch will keep it secured. Furthermore, a lamp ensures that the Hognose Snake is kept within their enclosure. Comparison Between Different Hognose Snakes. This page contains affiliate links. They are the least common form due to their threatened status. The enclosure must be large enough to allow its occupant enough space to stretch out and exercise, as hognose snakes are very active when given the opportunity. These snakes tend to reside in areas such as South Florida, South Ontario, New Hampshire and Western Texas. Without a good temperature gradient, a hognose can’t regulate its body temperature and can get sick. 14 comments. They are vulnerable and there is a lot less of them as pets. Therefore, they make popular pets as they are the smallest and they are also not under threat. Then they are much heavier, with a weight which normally does nor surpass 800 grams. Adult western hognose should be fed appropriately sized meals every 5 to 7 days. A female hognose will grow to a maximum of 3 feet, and a male will grow up to 2 feet in length. Do Turtles Eat Worms- Can I feed my Turtle Worms? Females are larger than males, and Hognoses from the Eastern areas tend to be the largest. The hognose snake has rear fangs — its large teeth are situated at the back of its mouth. There are lots of different species of hognose, but the Heterodon nasicus, the Dusty hognose snake and the Western hognose snake or plains hognose snake are considered the best types for captivity. Found within Eastern North America. In other words, cohabiting two or more hognoses is not recommended or necessary, and will most likely end up unnecessarily stressing the snakes involved if attempted. This is my take on keeping and breeding Western Hognose Snakes, a.k.a. As hatchlings, western hognose snakes should be fed weekly on defrosted pinky mice, as the snake grows the food size should be increased until the snake is taking large mice or even jumbos.

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